Shore Bird Trio

Shore Bird Trio
Antique Repro Decoys

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8 more days until Fiber College!

     Can you believe it is only eight more days until Fiber College? Time is flying by, ten days after FC I'll be heading to Florida and running my first 5K...should be interesting. I picked up freshly dyed wool at Riverslea this a.m. the colors are beautiful, still need one more for my FC class, but what I have is amazing. Unfortunately they have been without power since last weekends storm and are having a difficult time with their generator, fingers crossed they are up and running soon. Being on town water you forget that people need power for their wells, makes it hard to take care of over 200 sheep!
     After I left the farm I headed east to Newington and the bookstore to see if the latest copy of Cloth Paper Scissors was in yet, and tah dah, there it was...and my Spring Ram mixed media piece was published! I knew it had been selected as a finalist, and I had sent it in to be photographed, but wouldn't know if it had made the final cut until the magazine came out...very excited to say the least. (I did splurge on two copies.) They should be shipping him back to me sometime this month, maybe in time for FC?

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