Shore Bird Trio

Shore Bird Trio
Antique Repro Decoys

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Counting my blessings


Summer has arrived, with a vengeance in some areas. Looking at the loss and destruction that has happened in the past month across our country has reminded me once again how very lucky I am. The family is all healthy, my pets are happy, and our beautiful home is safe and secure. I know it is always said you can replace your belongings, and that is true, but we accumulate these things because they have meaning in some cases and because they are practical in others. Those with meaning are not so easy to replace, and to lose everything at once must be heart breaking. Photos, heirlooms, and that warped ceramic pot your child made in third grade are a part of  what has made up your life, and it only adds to the pain of an already tragic situation when they are gone.
     So while we can not replace these treasured items, we can help those in need to rebuild and move on. I know many of us have knitting and sewing projects half finished, now is the time to get it done, and move it along. Please go to one of the many sites that have been set up to help the survivors of this terrible tornado season. There are many on Facebook that can guide you, I have 'Liked' a couple of them on my wall as well. Unfortunately this is only the beginning of tornado season and this is likely to happen again, but we are resilient and capable of great things when we are tested, and just knowing that someone cares is sometimes enough. Do not forget our freinds and neighbors when they become yesterdays news.
Best wishes to all

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